What Is The Opposite Of “Love”?
Do you think that the opposite of "love" is "hate"? I don’t think so.
If you love someone, you’ll think about her/him. And if you hate someone, you’ll definitely think about her/him too. So, there is one thing that love and hate have in common. Therefore love and hate is not a contradictory.
According to Elie Wiesel, the opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. And I agree with him.
Do you agree?
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Mau komen tapi mikir dulu mau bahasa apa..
Menurutku udah bener lawan kata “cinta” adalah “benci”. Rasanya lebih tepat menyatakan, “i hate him” instead of “‘i’m indifference with him:. It’s just sounds funny..
*kembali mesbuk*
Hmm… pernah baca yang serupa. Tapi versi Indonesianya pak.
Memang benci bukan lawannya cinta.. karena benci itu berarti “benar-benar cinta”
i just know that hate isn’t opposite of love.
dari sikapnya emang sama, tapi kan apa yang dipikirkan itu beda.
kalau cinta kan pikirannya ingin membahagiakan dia
tapi kalau benci pikirannya ingin menghancurkan dia.
mmm *still thinking….*
i don’t fully agree with the statement which says “If you love someone, you’ll think about her/him. And if you hate someone, you’ll definitely think about her/him too.”
It’s just a different feeling of heart itself. If we love someone, we want to make him/her as a special person in our live. We’d like everything what him/her has done. But if we hate someone, we’d never like anything what him/her has done.
intinya kl cinta/sayang itu kita akan menyukai semua apa yg dikerjakan oleh pasangan kita, bahkan kita ingin memilikinya. kl benci, melihatnya saja kita tidak mau, apalagi melihat apa yg dikerjakan…..
eh yo mboh ding…aku ga pernah benci ama orang, jadi ga ngerti rasane….
So Cinta itu Buta
*halah aku ki ngomong opo to yo*
eh itu linknya salah…. maksudnya yang ini
Jadi lawan nya apa ?
Love doesn’t have opposite because they make people have incommon in many thing. and hate can make people try to be ‘always in different side’ with other people, so hate is have many opposite.
Love is not opposite of hate. But hate is absolutely opposite for everything accept love. what do you think?
*this post really make me thinkin, hmm*
Dari benci jadi cinta…
Dari cinta jadi benci….
agree agree aja dah 😀
kalo gitu apa yg terjadi “when love and hates collide” yg diambil dari lagu def leppard
love or hate??… T_T
I just know if loving someone makes your days more colourfull..
then hate someone just make your life uselless..
I just believe if loving someone is about how to believe bout the amazing power that add the tender touch to the stiffen heart and the strengthen our weaken life…
and how to make him know he is and always the most precious person in my life, coz love is trying to make someone accept and value you..
^___^ *hope i didnt speak to much*